A Reboot That’s No Longer Brave Heart: A Critical Look at Digimon Adventure (2020)

“This is Taichi and Agumon’s last adventure” – Toei Animation, 2019. Cue dramatic music

Two years ago, Toei Animation promised us, the devoted Digimon Adventure fans, a grand finale. Last Evolution Kizuna, a tear-jerking masterpiece, would be our last hurrah with the DigiDestined and their Digimon partners. We were ready to say goodbye, to reminisce, to be emotionally wrecked – and we were, in a way. However, Toei had a different plan.

The Digital World Gets a Makeover

Just as we were wiping away our nostalgic tears, Toei dropped a bombshell: a reboot of the original Digimon Adventure, dubbed “Digimon Adventure:” (yes, with that colon). A brand new beginning, a fresh take on the iconic series, acknowledging the technological and societal changes since the 90s. This time, kids had cellphones! Gasps

Is It a Farewell or a Rewind?

The announcement sparked a wave of shock and confusion. Some fans felt betrayed, others saw it as a fresh start. Last Evolution Kizuna wasn’t truly the last adventure, just the last of the original run. For die-hard fans, it felt like a deceptive move, like ignoring our collective history.

Old Fans, New Audience: Who Is This For?

This new Digimon Adventure aimed to introduce the series to a new generation, but what about the old fans? Were we merely a means to “milk nostalgia” as some suggested? Was Toei attempting to appeal to both audiences, or was this solely a bid for new fans?

A Digital World Without a Soul

After completing the series, I can say with confidence that this reboot wasn’t made for us, the old fans. It just couldn’t be.

Digimon Adventure (2020), despite numerous nods to its predecessor, feels inferior in both quality and emotional depth. While it boasts stunning visuals and dynamic action sequences, everything else feels like a pale imitation. The original’s heart and soul – the journey of growth, the power of friendship, the struggles of becoming better people – is simply missing.

From Flawed Kids to Soulless Superheroes

The characters, once flawed and relatable, now feel like robotic superheroes. They’re perfect, cool, and emotionless. They don’t grow, they don’t face challenges, they don’t make mistakes. It’s like watching a group of action figures rather than real children. The original series had ordinary kids who behaved like kids. The 2020 version throws us indestructible superheroes who can survive anything, from fiery explosions to skyscraper falls.

Taichi Takes Center Stage

Another glaring flaw is the excessive focus on Taichi. While the original series gave each member of the DigiDestined their fair share of the spotlight, 2020 makes Taichi the star, overshadowing the rest. He gets all the glory, all the power-ups, and all the screen time. This creates an imbalance, making the other characters feel like mere sidekicks.

The Genius Becomes a Plot Device

Koushiro, the ever-so-clever boy genius, is another character that suffers. He becomes a walking, talking Wikipedia, always knowing the answer, always having the perfect solution. The original Koushiro, while intelligent, was still a character who had to work for his knowledge. This 2020 version feels more like a plot device, a convenient tool for the writers.

The Digimon: Weaponized Partners

The Digimon partners, once more than just fighting machines, are reduced to mere weapons. Their evolutions happen with little to no build-up, their personalities feel flat, and their relationships with their human partners are weak. It’s almost as if the Digimon are screaming, “Please, don’t treat us just like weapons!”

Lost in the Narrative Maze

The narrative itself feels disjointed, with awkward pacing, misplaced events, and lackluster tension. The original series had a well-structured storyline, with each episode contributing to the overall plot. Here, however, we have filler episodes, unnecessary detours, and an anticlimactic ending.

Catering to a New Generation

It’s clear that this reboot was aimed at a younger audience, trying to capture their attention with flashy visuals and powerful Digimon battles. However, it fails to deliver a compelling story or relatable characters, leaving both old fans and potential new ones unsatisfied.

The Original Will Always Shine

While the 2020 version may have its merits in animation and action, it simply doesn’t live up to the legacy of the original. The original Digimon Adventure will always hold a special place in our hearts, with its charming characters, emotional depth, and timeless story.

The Digimon Adventure We Deserved?

This reboot is a missed opportunity, a reminder that not all reboots are good reboots. Instead of building upon the foundation of the original, it went for a shallow, flashy spectacle that lacked the heart and soul that made Digimon Adventure so great. It’s a shame to see the Adventure name tarnished by a series that, for all its visual flair, lacks any genuine meaning.

In the end, this Digimon Adventure (2020) is not the adventure we deserved. It’s a forgettable, soulless experience that fails to capture the magic of the original. We can only hope that the future of Digimon holds more promising ventures, ones that truly respect the franchise’s rich history and the loyal fans who have been following it for over two decades.

What are your thoughts on this review? Share your own experiences with Digimon Adventure (2020) in the comments below!

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